Sunday, July 22, 2007

Comment on this project/your find

If you find one of the special crafted items my family and I have left around town, I'd love it if you'd leave a comment - there's a spot at the bottom of this "box". My family and I have had tons of fun creating these items, and tons more fun thinking of good places to leave them and doing so. We got to "sneak around" - in a good way! We get all warm and fuzzy thinking we made someone's day a little brighter, or maybe gave them a smile, and we'd get even warmer and fuzzier (yeah, don't think too much about how weird that was) if you'd leave a little message letting us know what you found and if it made you smile. If you've just stumbled on this site by accident, or if you're a member of a medical practice in which we've left some of our goodies, feel free to comment, as well. It's all about touching someone (just not so much in an uncomfortable, possibly unwelcome physical way and more in a surprising, spiritual, emotional, and made-you-grin kind of way) ;-)

Best Wishes!


Amy said...

OOOOHHHHH goody, can I be the very first to leave a comment!!

anwylaeth said...

Yes, you're the very first. I'm hoping more people will find this site and let me know if they found something we "planted" around town. This is fun!

KhandiKraft said...

This is such a fabulous idea. I have had quite a lot of fun leaving my little lovelies around town. Your bracelets are adorable and I hope you have a lot of success! -- Gizmonic :)

Anonymous said...

Your idea is fab!!! Wish more people were as thoughtful as you. I found a bracelet and its adorable. Good way to brighten someones day! Thank you very much........JR

Anonymous said...

Found a bracelet that i'll give to my g/f. When i saw it i was like wtf someone left somethin what do i do with it. Cool idea. Props+++

Xan said...

I LOVE this! I think I may try it as well, if you don't mind me stealing your idea.